Long-Term Care
Free illustration materials
Nurse (female) bending over and talking to the elderly
Smartphone classroom
Training shoes (purple)
Person (female) who has a broken bone and cannot carry luggage
Student who cares
Wheelchair grandmother and male staff (smile)
Interview (doctor and grandfather)
Person in an electric wheelchair
A person pushing a wheelchair on which a boy is riding
Grandma in a wheelchair
Bed sore-Nurse preventing pressure sores
Female caregiver (smile)
Wheelchair grandfather and female staff
Female caregiver pushing a wheelchair
Caregiver taking a bath
Grandmother in a wheelchair
Grandmother who forgot (dementia)
Elderly experience set
Male caregiver (smile)
Sign language with face shield
Caregiver pushing a wheelchair
Grandma resting in a nursing bed
A man walking with a guide dog
Female helper pushing a wheelchair (without rim)
An old man who is short of breath and climbs the stairs
Visiting medical care (female nurse-nurse)
Couple caring for parents
Portable toilet
Sign language with a transparent mask
Coloring book
Popular images
Black guide dog
Fall from bed
Wheelchair (front)
Nursing care (grandmother sleeping in bed)
A person who calls a nurse with a nurse call
Sign language interpreter
Woman taking the hand of the elderly
Elderly care (father and daughter)
A person who bends down and talks to the elderly
People who do not understand sign language