Long-Term Care
Free illustration materials
Female long-term care pelper to assist with meals (no rim)
Emergency call device
Respect for the Aged Day (grandma and white rose)
Care helper to support the elderly
Male care helper
Pictogram of a person falling down the stairs
Elderly living alone
Heavy burden (female)
Elderly care
Caregiver supporting the elderly
Toothpaste assistance
Woman in an apron
Scene material eating with nursing care assistance
Person who refuses meal assistance
Will and testament notarial act
Caregiver wiping the body
Wheelchair elderly and caregiver
Welfare pension notebook (blue)
Grandma sitting and doing gymnastics
Caregiver (male)
Wheelchair grandmother and male staff
Supporting each other
Chair with casters
Wheelchair care woman (no rim)
Simple bath
Bowing caregiver
A person who has a broken bone and cannot hold an umbrella (male)
Popular images
Black guide dog
Fall from bed
Wheelchair (front)
Nursing care (grandmother sleeping in bed)
A person who calls a nurse with a nurse call
Sign language interpreter
Woman taking the hand of the elderly
Elderly care (father and daughter)
A person who bends down and talks to the elderly
People who do not understand sign language