Free illustration materials
Muscle pain
(Caution for boiling water)
Tattered bear stuffed animal
Snapping turtle
Nose slippage
Person who washes wounds
An old man who hurt his back with a Japanese style toilet
Hospitalized people with various facial expressions (grandmother)
Boy treated for arm injury
Female office worker who had an occupational accident (crutches)
Person who hit the butt (female)
Female office worker in an occupational accident (sling)
Baby who gets burned with an iron
Drunk man involved in station staff
Male with an eyepatch
Person attacked by a crow (girl)
Person who bit the lip
Medical certificate
A person who hangs his arm with a sling (male)
Person transported on a stretcher
Person bitten by a leech
A person who has a broken bone and cannot hold an umbrella (male)
Joint pain-stiffness (wrist)
Victim of land mine
Falling white coat person (female)
Male using crutches (broken bone)