Free illustration materials
Shutter street
Female guide pointed up
Goaled businessman (stickman)
Confidential document-Confidential document
Drunk (female office worker)
People wearing suits with various facial expressions (male)
Teaching girls to study
Woman using a smartphone
People who view charts on smartphones
Bus guide to explain
Horse fight (company employee)
Female office worker who works hard
Apology email (male)
People exchanging business cards
Simple relationships (stick figures)
People who are jealous of people who rejoice (male)
Fireworks display where OL is watching fireworks with a fan
Banknote-10,000 yen bill
Office worker who rejoices a lot of money
Small carry bag
Person who dug up the buried treasure (male)
Female office worker bowing at the table
OL swings with a tennis racket-sports
Company employees doing banzai (disjoint)
Office worker (male) walking while crying
Jumping and energetic receptionist woman
Carry case and woman
Popular images
PDCA cycle (with icon)
Concierge bowing (butler)
Male office worker bowing deeply (sideways)
Shop clerk who is OK with a smile
Thinking office worker
Male bow (salute-salute-most salute)
Businessmen (female) bowing to each other
Motivated person (male office worker)
People who talk bad rumors (stick figures)
Report-Contact-Consultation (spinach)
Conflict between elders and young people