Free illustration materials
Gold crown on the head of the office lady-Hands pose with NO1
Female employees welcome beginners
Young female hairdresser
Start work (female office worker without motivation)
PC and male
Walking smartphone (male office worker)
A man heading to a PC
Money tree
Person who has achieved good results (male)
Accounting books
Horse chasing a hanging carrot
Man bowing
Solicitation of MLM
Illustration of an image with poor visibility
Speech balloon with a female office worker doing desk work
Telephone operator handling complaints
Woman giving a presentation
Lemonade shop (boy)
Female office worker in trouble (best)
Envelopes and Materials-Documents
Worker standing with his hand in his pocket
Apologize-Female office worker who apologizes (whole body)
Office worker giving advice
Businessman shaking hands (young man and uncle)
General manager female-normal figure-businessman
Woman lacking money
Hotel man male to welcome
Waste-Sad grandma spending money
Popular images
PDCA cycle (with icon)
Concierge bowing (butler)
Male office worker bowing deeply (sideways)
Shop clerk who is OK with a smile
Thinking office worker
Male bow (salute-salute-most salute)
Businessmen (female) bowing to each other
Motivated person (male office worker)
People who talk bad rumors (stick figures)
Report-Contact-Consultation (spinach)
Conflict between elders and young people