Free illustration materials
Smartphone-shaped brain
Paper-cutting artist (female)
Baseball support
Roller skates
Contact juggling
Car lover (female)
Person (parent) seen during VR game
A person who makes hair stand up with static electricity underlay
Mother shooting Ohirune art
Idol fan (male) with a penlight at the chest position
Quoits person (male)
Chess game
Real money trade
Vinyl pool
Game center medal
Woodworker (female)
Water bowl biotope
Casino dealer (female)
A man writing a haiku
Gardening (grandfather)
People who are addicted to swamps (female)
Woman reading a book
Male listening to the scent (Kodo)
Person who plays games all night (male)
Cartoonist (female) chased by deadline
Sea fishing (female)
Performing artist (female)
Cigarette smoker (male)