Take The Exam
Free illustration materials
Girl studying
Lack of sleep-a man who stays up late
Genius (girl)
Briefing session-Seminar
Person taking the exam (male)
Children studying with face shields (boys)
Library (brick library)
Amulet for the examination (pray for passing)
Junior high school-high school class (female teacher)
Sugawara no Michizane's portrait
Person who is raising the body (female student)
People studying various languages (female)
Child (girl) writing an essay
People who are studying well (female)
Person with a winning cup (male student)
Template of support message for examinees (Pray for success-Dharma)
Template of support message for examinees (Ema praying for success)
Student studying
Person who studies intensively (male)
Students taking classes with masks
Student (girl) who received a scholarship
Gifted education
Low hurdle (female)
Finger movement
Person studying (male)
Student (female student) studying in a hurry
(preparation) characters
KJ method (uniform-suit)
Various answer sheets (diagonal)
Popular images
Teacher and student
PDCA cycle (with icon)
Unmotivated junior high school student-high school student
Template of support message for examinees (passing prayer amulet)
Female student consulting with a male teacher
A person who listens to the radio with a serious face (male)
Daruma and passing votive tablet material
Children writing essays
Supporter (female)
People gathering (students)
Person who is not studying well (male)
Girl with magnifying glass