Free illustration materials
Open blank notebook
Roller for painting
Person who writes to the clipboard (male worker)
Finger cot
Cork board material
Pastel color sticky note illustration heading (pink-blue-green-yellow)
Fountain pen material
Black binder (clipboard) frame decorative frame illustration <plain>
Fountain pen material <black>
Zem clip material <blue-blue>
Letter reader (male)
Sticky note-Post-it (horizontal)
Calligraphy brush
Zem clip material <green-green>
Manuscript paper and pencil
Origami and scissors material
Drafting pen
Major-Tape measure (stationery)
Torn note paper (notebook)
Pencil symbol
Measuring rod and triangle ruler
The person who puts the address on the envelope
magnifying glass and eyes
Cut paper with scissors
Image of questionnaire (blank paper)
Students who are rushing to study for the exam
Students who are rushing to study for the exam
Popular images
Black and white scissors
Wavy line of pencil Black and white Monochrome frame Decorative frame
Folded note paper frame Decorative frame
Quill pen
Note paper fastened with a thumbtack (push pin) [plain]
Stationery frame-decorative frame
Sticking thumbtack
Earth and magnifying glass
Simple frame of pencil Decorative frame
Horizontal opening double ring notebook (Notepad)
Ready to take notes Perfect chick
Yellow-green and orange upper and lower frames of crayon Decorative frame