Medical Equipment
Free illustration materials
Triage tag (number)
People who are not good at eye drops (male)
Antibiotic and fungal characters
Medicine (capsule-set)
Inconspicuous orthodontic appliance (male)
Medicine box
Soft-shelled turtle's living blood
People who take a lot of medicine (female)
Epinephrine injection
Rehabilitation pants
Artificial blood
Loquat leaf
Baby with oxygen cannula
Oxygen mask (female)
Silver tooth (tooth treatment)
Various vitamin characters (English)
The person who moves the splash prevention acrylic board
Medical examination ticket
(Mask-alcohol disinfectant is out of stock) POP material
Cat that hates medicine
Tooth extraction
Glasses that cut blue light
Four-point cane
Thermometer (medical)
Person with cochlear implant (girl)
People with face shields of various races
Popular images
Hydrogen peroxide solution-Oxidol
A person in a wheelchair who uses a computer for line-of-sight input
Various blood packs-Blood transfusion packs
Beautiful toothbrush
Chest tube
Person who forgot to take medicine (male)
Wheelchair rider (grandmother) seen from the side
Dog in a wheelchair
Tracheostomy (with bag valve mask)
Weight scale
Syringe material used for influenza vaccine administration
Salt tablet